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Podcast - Juggle part-time hours and avoid burnout

Maria Hicks

My first podcast

In my first podcast, what better organisation to work with than Calmer, who release Take Regular Breaks, the positive mental health podcast.

Tania Diggory and I had a great talk about my experience requesting part-time hours, the bias I experienced from (some) colleagues and how I managed to stick to a working pattern which worked for me and didn't damage my career.

Practical inspiration

In my interview you will pick up practical ideas for how to prepare for and approach alternative working patterns with your leader. As is so often the case, the more prepared you are, the more confident you will feel when you present your proposal, and the more likely you are to achieve your goals. 

Setting boundaries

The struggle doesn't stop when you have approval for your dream working pattern! It's so easy to keep checking emails or agree to attend that crucial meeting on your day off. Be clear about your boundaries, communicate your hours and expectations clearly to help your colleagues to support you. 

Trust your team

Bizarrely it can actually be more disruptive to your team if you keep working when you're supposed to be off. If you keep butting in when others are deputising then it's almost impossible for them to learn how to support you effectively. SO let go of that control and trust your team!

Let's have a listen

Here it is, thank you so much for listening. I hope you find it useful:

If you have any feedback or want to get in touch about the episode please drop me a line.

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